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Supplier Evaluation

Our new module integrated in MEGABAU enables you to evaluate your suppliers with regard to material orders and subcontractor services.

Abbildung MEGABAU mobile Anwednungen

Subject your suppliers to a system-integrated evaluation

It is easy to evaluate your suppliers according to various criteria and categories. You can use it directly in your ERP system.

Material orders and subcontractor services can be evaluated directly in your ERP system. The evaluation of suppliers is automatically triggered by different evaluation algorithms, which you can configure individually in the settings.

Creating the questionnaires and the evaluation scheme

You can create your questionnaires and your evaluation scheme yourself and configure and classify them individually as required:

  • Creation of a questionnaire - the individual questions and the corresponding answer options are defined, each answer option must also be assigned a point rating
  • Setting up a scoring scheme - storing the point scale for the respective questionnaire
  • The point scale is freely definable and can be classified individually 

Abbildung MEGABAU mobile Anwednungen

Setting up the supplier evaluation

You have full flexibility in terms of data collection and data structure. The evaluations are automatically triggered directly in the incoming invoice workflow using various algorithms. You can select and store these yourself.

The following valuation algorithms and options are available for selection:

  • Valuation trigger, when the valuation should be triggered for an invoice - when the invoice is posted or when the invoice is released from the incoming invoice workflow
  • Option to always trigger a valuation for a final invoice (on release or posting)
  • Option to also valuate and include partial invoices
  • Option to trigger the valuation for a material order after delivery or after posting the invoice
  • Storage of inspection limits: Value limits can be defined for subcontractor services or material deliveries above which valuation is to take place
  • Define an auditor to be used for the audit
  • For new vendors, a default questionnaire (subcontractor service or material order) is initially used, which can be individualized.
  • Possibility of storing time triggers (based on the date of the last supplier evaluation) - to trigger a new evaluation automatically

Display of evaluation results directly in the vendor area

The results of the supplier evaluations are displayed clearly in a separate information tab directly in the vendor area. The questionnaires used are also displayed there.

The following details are included in the display:

  • Last supplier evaluation of the respective vendor for subcontractor services or material orders 
  • Average supplier evaluation - average score of all previously submitted supplier evaluations for subcontractor services or material orders
  • Stored profile questionnaire for subcontractor services or material orders of the vendor

Display of open evaluations in the role center

Another helpful integrated display regarding the supplier evaluation module can be found directly in your MEGABAU role center.

Your open supplier evaluations are displayed there in a separate stack. This means you are constantly reminded if you still have evaluations to carry out. In this way, you always keep your evaluation data up to date.

You can change your settings and revoke your consent at any time. The lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the revocation is not affected by this. Additional information is available in our data protection policy.